NANLITE BT-V-14.8V160 V-Mount Battery

Code no: 3890

The BT-V-14.8V160 lithium-ion battery is suitable for powering certain lights that can be operated with an input voltage of 15 V (see below for compatibility overview). Additional accessories such as the BT-BA-V battery holder (3895), BT-BG-V Battery Handle (9742669) and BT-BG-XLRII (9742668) or the CB-DT/DC D-tap cable (3896) may be required.

In addition, the battery can also be used as a power bank, e.g. for charging and operating certain lights such as PavoTube II 6C (3708) or LitoLite 5C (3740).  

The battery is equipped with connecting contacts, for example for the MixPanel 60 light (3876), the control unit of the Forza 300 (3772) / Forza 300B (3786) spot lights and the BT-BA-V battery holder (3895).

It also has a D-Tap socket (Anton Bauer), e.g. for BH-FZ60-V battery handle (3763), a 5 V USB port for use as a power bank and a DC connecting socket for BT-CGV-14.8V-1 charger (3893).

With charge level indicator and V-mount connection for attachment.


Rated voltage:          14.8 V
Capacity:                  10.5 Ah
Energy content:        160 Wh
Max. current rating:  12 A
USB port:                   5 V
Weight:                     approx. 970 g (2.1 in.)

Can be used with:

Name           code no.
CSA 600 / 900 / 1200 3754/3757 / 3755/3758 / 3756/3759 
DSA 1200  3753
Forza 60* / 60B* 3750*/3766* / 3749*/3765*
Forza 150*/*** 3831*/***
Forza 200*** 3790***
Forza 300** / 300B** 3772** / 3786**
halo 16*  3792* 
LumiPad 11* / 25*  3729* / 3730*
MixPad 11* / 27* 3721* / 3722*
MixPad II 11C* / 27C* 3727* / 3728*
MixPanel 60 3876
MixWand 18* / 18II* 3724* / 3726* 
PavoTube 15C* / 30C* 3716* / 3718*
PavoTube II 15X*/30X* 3720*/3850*/3860* / 3723*/3851*/3861*
PavoTube II 60X* 3852*
via 5 V USB port:
LitoLite 5C 3740 
PavoTube II 6C  3708

CSA 600 / 900 / 1200 3641/3644 / 3642/3645 / 3643/3646
CSA II 1200 3656
Luxpad 23* / 43*  3629*/3635* / 3636*
Mixpad 41* / 106* 3637* / 3638*
RGB 66* / 88* / 173II* 3621* / 3624* / 3622*
Venus V29C*  3692*

PL 240 Vario* 3470*
PL 360 Vario 3472
PL 840 Vario 3473

* additional accessories required (3895, 9742668, 9742669, 3896, 3763 or 3833) 
** two 3890 batteries required
*** reduced brightness


3893 - NANLITE BT-CGV-14.8V-1 Charger

3895 - NANLITE BT-BA-V Battery Holder

3896 - NANLITE CB-DT/DC D-Tap Cable

9742669 - NANLITE BT-BG-V Battery Handle

9742668 - NANLITE BT-BG-V Battery Handle

Subject to errors and technical changes.

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